The editorial team says hi! 👋

Meet the people behind your meal plan.

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Roxana Grabowska

As a seasoned content writer with over three years of experience, I have a deep passion for crafting thoughts into words. Writing has always been one of my keen interests.

I am particularly fascinated by healthy eating and nourishing our bodies appropriately. I enjoy experimenting in the kitchen and exploring new flavors. I have already written numerous articles on diets and meal plans, and I also take pleasure in reading articles written by others.

Agata Pankow

For the past several years I’ve been focused on combining sustainable nutrition knowledge with physical activity, both in my copywriting and editorial work, as well as in my private life. Martial arts and weightlifting training have never been the same for me since I started applying nutritional theory in practice.

I’m particularly fond of nutritional neuroscience as it can directly improve our quality of life in many ways. Personally, I love eating and cooking thus I believe that a good meal plan equals a tasty meal plan.

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Zuzanna Kędziora

I'm an enthusiast of healthy living passionate about diets and nutrition. My mission as a content writer is to inspire others to lead a healthy and mindful lifestyle.

I believe in the power of small, sustainable changes and enjoy experimenting with new ingredients and cooking techniques. Through my work, I want to empower individuals to make informed choices about their health and well-being.

Filip Jędraszczyk

A content manager by trade, a clean eater by choice. Addicted to to-do lists, highlighters, and planners.

I’ve written 100+ articles, published 1000+ social media posts, and led numerous content marketing campaigns. I focus on building content that connects with readers and encourages action.

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