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Kosher diet plan for elimination diet

Navigating an elimination diet while keeping kosher might seem tricky, but it's doable with a bit of planning. By focusing on kosher-certified whole foods, you can effectively identify food sensitivities without compromising your dietary laws. This approach helps maintain a balance between health needs and religious practices.

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  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Sweet potatoes
  • White potatoes
  • Chicken breast

  • Ground turkey
  • Salmon fillet
  • Beef sirloin
  • Eggs
  • Almond milk
  • Rice milk
  • White rice
  • Brown rice
  • Quinoa
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil

  • Kosher salt
  • Black pepper
  • Garlic cloves
  • Onion
  • Parsley
  • Thyme
  • Ginger root
  • Lemon
  • Avocado
  • Cucumbers
  • Strawberries

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Article Reviewed
• Written by our editorial team.
• Published on June 5, 2024.
• Updated on August 8, 2024.

Diet plan overview

The kosher diet plan for elimination diet focuses on identifying food sensitivities while adhering to kosher dietary laws. This diet involves removing specific foods from your diet for a period and then gradually reintroducing them to pinpoint what might be causing digestive issues or allergies.

Keeping kosher means avoiding certain foods like pork and shellfish and ensuring that meat and dairy are not mixed. Combining this with an elimination diet can be a bit challenging but beneficial for those needing to manage food sensitivities within the guidelines of kosher eating.

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Foods to eat

  • Lean Proteins: Chicken breast, turkey, and fish that comply with kosher rules.
  • Fresh Vegetables: Leafy greens, carrots, and bell peppers for essential nutrients.
  • Whole Grains: Quinoa, barley, and whole wheat products.
  • Fruits: Apples, berries, and citrus fruits for vitamins and fiber.
  • Low-Fat Dairy: Skim milk, low-fat cheese, and yogurt following kosher guidelines.
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Try to include one color from each color category most days of the week. For example, have blue and red berries in your smoothie, leafy greens with your lunch, purple carrots and orange.

Mark Hyman, MD

Foods not to eat

  • Processed Foods: Avoid packaged snacks and processed meats that may contain non-kosher ingredients.
  • Sugary Foods: Limit candy, pastries, and sugary cereals.
  • High-Fat Dairy: Full-fat milk, cheese, and butter can increase your fat intake.
  • Red Meat: Minimize consumption of beef and lamb, especially if it's not lean.
  • Sugary Drinks: Stay away from sodas and sweetened juices.

Main benefits

The kosher diet plan for elimination diet helps identify food sensitivities by adhering to strict dietary laws and avoiding certain food groups. This structured approach can lead to better gut health and reduced digestive issues. By eliminating specific foods, individuals can pinpoint allergens and intolerances more effectively. The diet’s emphasis on whole, unprocessed foods supports overall wellness and improved energy levels.

Kosher diet plan for elimination diet graph

📊 Recommended food breakdown (Source)

How to budget on this diet plan

An elimination diet within kosher guidelines requires careful planning. Start with a limited base of familiar kosher proteins like chicken, fish, or eggs. Pair them with single-ingredient vegetables like carrots, potatoes, or green beans. Rotate protein and vegetable options one at a time to identify potential sensitivities. Kosher alternatives like quinoa or lentils can be used as tolerated.

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7-Day Meal Plan for Kosher Elimination Diet

Day 1

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach and avocado
  • Lunch: Quinoa salad with carrots, cucumbers, and lemon vinaigrette
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with roasted broccoli and cauliflower
  • Snack: Sliced apples with almond butter

Day 2

  • Breakfast: Banana smoothie with almond milk and spinach
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with sweet potato wedges
  • Dinner: Beef stir-fry with broccoli, cauliflower, and garlic
  • Snack: Blueberries with a handful of almonds

Day 3

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with diced onions and parsley
  • Lunch: Spinach salad with sliced strawberries, avocado, and balsamic vinaigrette
  • Dinner: Baked chicken breast with roasted carrots and thyme
  • Snack: Celery sticks with hummus

Day 4

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with sliced bananas and almond milk
  • Lunch: Turkey lettuce wraps with sliced cucumbers and avocado
  • Dinner: Quinoa-stuffed bell peppers with ground turkey and tomatoes
  • Snack: Carrot sticks with tzatziki sauce

Day 5

  • Breakfast: Smoothie bowl with mixed berries, spinach, and rice milk
  • Lunch: Broccoli soup with a side of brown rice
  • Dinner: Grilled salmon with lemon-garlic sauce and roasted sweet potatoes
  • Snack: Sliced cucumbers with guacamole

Day 6

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with diced bell peppers and onions
  • Lunch: Chicken and vegetable stir-fry with ginger and garlic
  • Dinner: Beef sirloin steak with roasted cauliflower and parsley pesto
  • Snack: Apple slices with almond butter

Day 7

  • Breakfast: Banana pancakes made with eggs and served with blueberries
  • Lunch: Spinach and strawberry salad with grilled chicken and lemon-poppyseed dressing
  • Dinner: Quinoa-stuffed zucchini boats with ground turkey and tomatoes
  • Snack: Rice cakes with sliced avocado

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⚠️ Keep in mind

As with any dietary change, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before changing your dietary habits.