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Zone diet plan for brain health

The Zone diet for brain health is tailored to fuel your mental engine. Featuring brain-boosting nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, it's structured to support cognitive function and memory. It’s perfect for keeping your mind sharp and focused.

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Diet plan grocery list

  • Avocado
  • Salmon
  • Blueberries
  • Spinach
  • Walnuts
  • Eggs
  • Olive oil
  • Broccoli
  • Almonds
  • Dark chocolate
  • Greek yogurt

  • Tomatoes
  • Chia seeds
  • Quinoa
  • Chicken breast
  • Turmeric
  • Cauliflower
  • Green tea
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Tuna
  • Red bell pepper
  • Garlic

  • Sardines
  • Kale
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Black beans
  • Flaxseed
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Apples
  • Beets
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Pomegranates

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Article Reviewed
• Written by our editorial team.
• Published on July 2, 2024.
• Updated on August 8, 2024.

Diet plan overview

The Zone diet plan for brain health is optimized to boost cognitive function and mental clarity. It includes a higher intake of omega-3s and antioxidants, crucial for protecting brain cells and enhancing nerve function.

This brain-boosting diet is great for anyone looking to improve their mental agility and protect against cognitive decline.

Zone diet plan for brain health exemplary product

Foods to eat

  • Brain-Boosting Fats: Incorporate healthy fats from avocados, nuts, and seeds, which are essential for cognitive function.
  • Antioxidant-Rich Berries: Eat blueberries, strawberries, and other berries to protect brain cells from damage.
  • Whole Grains: Consume whole grains like oatmeal and whole wheat bread for steady energy supply to the brain.
  • Leafy Greens: Include spinach, kale, and other greens that are loaded with vitamins and minerals for brain health.
  • Water: Stay hydrated with plenty of water to aid in concentration and cognitive functions.
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Try to include one color from each color category most days of the week. For example, have blue and red berries in your smoothie, leafy greens with your lunch, purple carrots and orange.

Mark Hyman, MD

Foods not to eat

  • Sugary Snacks: Avoid high-sugar foods that can cause energy spikes and crashes, affecting brain function.
  • Fried Foods: Cut down on fried foods which are linked to lower brain health.
  • Excessive Caffeine: Limit caffeine intake as it can disrupt sleep and, subsequently, cognitive abilities.
  • Highly Processed Meats: Avoid processed meats that contain nitrates, which can be harmful to the brain.
  • Artificial Additives: Stay away from foods with artificial colors and flavors which can negatively impact brain health.

Main benefits

The Zone diet plan for brain health is rich in foods that support neurological function and mental clarity. Regular consumption of these nutrient-dense foods can help maintain memory and prevent cognitive decline, especially in older adults.

Zone diet plan for brain health graph

📊 50% of Americans said they follow a specific diet or eating pattern (Source)

How to budget on this diet plan

For enhancing brain health on the Zone diet plan, prioritize omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants found in foods like salmon, blueberries, and dark chocolate. Look for discounts on these items and consider alternatives like canned salmon or frozen berries to get the same nutrients at a lower cost. Incorporating flaxseeds and walnuts into your diet can also provide essential fats without the expense of supplements.

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Meal Plan for Zone Diet Plan for Brain Health

Day 1

  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with blueberries and chia seeds
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with quinoa, spinach, and a side of red bell pepper
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with sweet potatoes, broccoli, and a side of kale
  • Snack: Apple slices with almond butter

Calories: 1500  Fat: 65g   Carbs: 130g   Protein: 110g

Day 2

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach and a side of avocado
  • Lunch: Tuna salad with quinoa, tomatoes, and a side of spinach
  • Dinner: Baked chicken breast with black beans, cauliflower, and a side of carrots
  • Snack: Dark chocolate with walnuts

Calories: 1500  Fat: 67g   Carbs: 132g   Protein: 108g

Day 3

  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with blueberries and chia seeds
  • Lunch: Sardine salad with spinach, quinoa, and a side of red bell pepper
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with sweet potatoes, broccoli, and a side of kale
  • Snack: Apple slices with walnuts

Calories: 1480  Fat: 65g   Carbs: 130g   Protein: 110g

Day 4

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach and a side of avocado
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with quinoa, spinach, and a side of red bell pepper
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with black beans, cauliflower, and a side of carrots
  • Snack: Dark chocolate with almonds

Calories: 1500  Fat: 67g   Carbs: 132g   Protein: 108g

Day 5

  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with blueberries and chia seeds
  • Lunch: Tuna salad with quinoa, tomatoes, and a side of spinach
  • Dinner: Baked chicken breast with sweet potatoes, broccoli, and a side of kale
  • Snack: Apple slices with walnuts

Calories: 1480  Fat: 65g   Carbs: 130g   Protein: 110g

Day 6

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach and a side of avocado
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with quinoa, spinach, and a side of red bell pepper
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with black beans, cauliflower, and a side of carrots
  • Snack: Dark chocolate with almonds

Calories: 1500  Fat: 67g   Carbs: 132g   Protein: 108g

Day 7

  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with blueberries and chia seeds
  • Lunch: Sardine salad with spinach, quinoa, and a side of red bell pepper
  • Dinner: Baked chicken breast with sweet potatoes, broccoli, and a side of kale
  • Snack: Apple slices with walnuts

Calories: 1480  Fat: 65g   Carbs: 130g   Protein: 110g

These nutritional values are approximate and can vary slightly based on specific portion sizes and preparation methods.

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⚠️ Keep in mind

As with any dietary change, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before changing your dietary habits.