One day meal plan for colonoscopy prep

One day meal plan for colonoscopy prep photo cover

Listonic team

Nov 22, 2024

A one-day meal plan for colonoscopy prep is geared towards clearing the digestive tract. It includes clear liquids and avoids foods that may hinder the colonoscopy process.

This diet is crucial for ensuring a successful procedure. It’s about consuming foods that are easy on the digestive system while avoiding solids and certain liquids.

Meal plan grocery list

Bakery icon


White bread or toast

Snacks & sweets icon

Snacks & sweets


Gelatin dessert

Cans & jars icon

Cans & jars

Chicken broth

Clear vegetable broth

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Dry goods

White rice

Meal plan overview

Welcome to One Day Meal Plan for Colonoscopy Preparation. The purpose of this guideline is to outline a diet of clear liquids that will provide complete preparation for your colonoscopy. This diet consists of a regimen throughout the day with clear liquids, as well as foods to avoid, which could impede viewing during the colonoscopy. Learn how you should prepare for your procedure with clear and simple nutrition.

One day meal plan for colonoscopy prep exemplary product

Foods to eat

  • Clear Liquids: Consume clear liquids such as water, clear broths, plain gelatin, and clear fruit juices without pulp.

  • Popsicles: Enjoy popsicles without any fruit or cream content to stay hydrated and provide a bit of flavor.

  • Herbal Tea: Drink non-caffeinated herbal teas without milk or cream for a warm and soothing option.

  • Clear Sports Drinks: Opt for clear sports drinks to help replenish electrolytes and maintain hydration.

  • Plain Water: Stay well-hydrated by drinking plain water throughout the preparation process.

  • Broth-based Soups: Choose clear broth-based soups without solid ingredients for a source of fluids.

  • Ice Chips: Suck on ice chips for hydration, especially if you find it challenging to drink larger volumes of liquid.

  • Fruit Juice (without pulp): Consume clear fruit juices like apple or white grape juice without any pulp.

  • Strained Clear Fruit Jellies: Include strained clear fruit jellies for a bit of sweetness without solid particles.


The day before the procedure, opt for clear broths and avoid anything red or purple in color, which can be mistaken for blood during the colonoscopy.

Foods not to eat

  • Solid Foods: Avoid all solid foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins during the preparation period.

  • Dairy Products: Exclude dairy products, including milk, yogurt, and ice cream, as they can leave residue in the digestive tract.

  • Fiber-Rich Foods: Steer clear of high-fiber foods, such as whole grains, nuts, seeds, and raw vegetables, which are harder to digest.

  • Caffeine: Avoid caffeinated beverages, as they can potentially dehydrate the body, and opt for non-caffeinated alternatives.

  • Alcohol: Eliminate alcohol, as it can dehydrate the body and may interfere with the effectiveness of the preparation process.

  • Red or Purple Foods: Exclude red or purple-colored foods and beverages, as they may mimic blood during the colonoscopy.

  • Artificially Colored Jellies: Avoid jellies with artificial coloring, as they may interfere with the colonoscopy procedure.

  • Fruit with Skin or Seeds: Skip fruits with skins or seeds, as they can leave residue in the digestive tract.

  • Fatty Foods: Eliminate high-fat and fried foods, as they can be more challenging to digest and may leave residue.

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Main benefits

One Day Meal Plan for Colonoscopy Preparation: This meal plan is designed for comfort during colonoscopy preparation. The foods included in this list are low in fiber and light, easily digestible foods that clean out the bowel. Specific guidelines are given for days leading up to the procedure to make the colonoscopy prep painless and comfortable with the least discomfort while keeping your body well-hydrated.

Recommended nutrient breakdown

Protein: 6%

Fat: 10%

Carbs: 80%

Fiber: 2%

Other: 2%

How to budget on this meal plan

White bread or toast and honey can be more cost-effective when bought in larger sizes. Chicken broth and white rice are typically affordable and can be bought in bulk. Gelatin dessert and clear vegetable broth can be made at home for a healthier and cheaper alternative.

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Extra tips

Low-residue snacks suitable for colonoscopy prep:

  • White toast with butter
  • Plain crackers
  • Boiled eggs
  • Canned fruit without skins or seeds
  • White rice
  • Chicken broth
  • Jello (not red or purple)

For colonoscopy prep, clear liquids like water, clear broths, and apple juice are recommended. Avoid red or purple colored beverages as they can affect the results. Tea and coffee without milk or creamer are also acceptable. It’s important to avoid any beverages with dairy or pulp.

It's considered that preparation for a colonoscopy involves only those foods that would provide very minimal residue inside the intestines. This usually consists of a few days of low-fiber foods and then a clear liquid diet the day before. Foods to avoid are whole grains, nuts, seeds, and raw fruits and vegetables. Inset, refined grains should be eaten, like white bread and plain pasta. Liquids to help prepare for the procedure should include clear broths and all non-colored liquids.

Meal plan suggestion

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⚠️Keep in mind

As with any dietary change, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before changing your dietary habits.