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Energy-boosting diet plan for anxiety

Eating well can be a part of managing anxiety. This diet plan includes foods rich in magnesium, vitamin B, and omega fatty acids, which are known to help reduce anxiety levels and promote a calmer state of mind.

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  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Oranges
  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Oats

  • Quinoa
  • Brown rice
  • Chicken breast
  • Turkey
  • Salmon
  • Eggs
  • Greek yogurt
  • Cottage cheese
  • Chia seeds
  • Flaxseeds
  • Avocado

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Beetroot
  • Carrots
  • Green tea
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • Dark chocolate
  • Whole grain bread
  • Lentils

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Article Reviewed
• Written by our editorial team.
• Published on May 22, 2024.
• Updated on August 8, 2024.

Diet plan overview

An energy-boosting diet plan for anxiety emphasizes foods that calm the nervous system and enhance mood stability. Rich in magnesium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, this diet includes foods like spinach, pumpkin seeds, and fatty fish, which can help reduce anxiety symptoms. Complex carbohydrates are encouraged for their role in producing serotonin, which naturally calms the mind.

The focus is also on avoiding large meals and caffeine, which can trigger anxiety spikes. Regular, small meals throughout the day can help keep blood sugar levels stable, minimizing mood swings and promoting a sense of calm. Hydration is key, with plenty of water and herbal teas to soothe the nerves.

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Foods to eat

  • Whole Grains: Rich in magnesium and fiber, which can help manage anxiety and boost energy levels.
  • Leafy Greens: Spinach and kale are high in magnesium and folate, essential for mood regulation and energy production.
  • Fatty Fish: Salmon and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, known to reduce anxiety levels.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Snack on almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds for a dose of magnesium, zinc, and healthy fats.
  • Yogurt and Fermented Foods: Probiotics in these foods support gut health, which is linked to mood and energy levels.
quote icon

Flaxseed will keep that bowel on the move.

Bernard Jensen, D.C., PhD

Foods not to eat

  • High-Sugar Foods: Can cause spikes in blood sugar that may increase anxiety and fluctuate energy levels.
  • Caffeine: May exacerbate anxiety symptoms; consider reducing coffee, tea, and energy drinks.
  • Alcohol: Can negatively affect mood and energy, best avoided or consumed in moderation.
  • Processed Foods: Often high in sugar and unhealthy fats, contributing to poor mood and energy slumps.
  • Fast Food: Typically low in nutrients and high in fats and sugars, which can worsen anxiety symptoms.

Main benefits

Specifically designed to calm the nervous system, the energy-boosting diet plan for anxiety includes foods high in magnesium and vitamin B12, which have natural calming effects. It focuses on complex carbohydrates to ensure a slow and steady release of energy, which helps maintain a balanced mood. Omega-3 fatty acids are included to reduce brain inflammation, a contributor to anxiety. This diet also promotes gut health, which is closely linked to mental health.

Energy-boosting diet plan for anxiety graph

📊 71% of people think they could improve their eating habits (Source)

How to budget on this diet plan

For those eating to manage anxiety, affordable magnesium-rich foods like bananas and whole grains are a good start. Instead of buying supplements, seek out calcium-rich foods like dairy or fortified plant milks which are often on sale. Snack on homemade trail mix with seeds and nuts bought in bulk to save money and boost energy. Use apps to find discounts at your local grocery store. Keeping hydrated with water infused with slices of cucumber or berries can be a refreshing, low-cost way to stay calm and hydrated.

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7-Day Meal Plan for Energy-boosting Diet Plan for Anxiety

Day 1

  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with blueberries, strawberries, and chia seeds
  • Lunch: Quinoa salad with kale, avocado, and walnuts
  • Dinner: Grilled salmon with sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli
  • Snack: Apple slices with almond butter

Day 2

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal topped with bananas, flaxseeds, and dark chocolate
  • Lunch: Turkey and spinach wrap with whole grain bread
  • Dinner: Baked chicken breast with brown rice and roasted carrots
  • Snack: Cottage cheese with strawberries

Day 3

  • Breakfast: Smoothie with Greek yogurt, spinach, blueberries, and ginger
  • Lunch: Lentil soup with garlic and a side of whole grain bread
  • Dinner: Stir-fried turkey with quinoa, kale, and beetroot
  • Snack: Sliced apple with walnuts

Day 4

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach and a side of whole grain toast
  • Lunch: Salmon salad with mixed greens, avocado, and almonds
  • Dinner: Baked sweet potato stuffed with lentils, kale, and garlic
  • Snack: Greek yogurt with chia seeds and blueberries

Day 5

  • Breakfast: Smoothie bowl with Greek yogurt, strawberries, bananas, and flaxseeds
  • Lunch: Chicken and quinoa salad with kale, almonds, and a ginger dressing
  • Dinner: Grilled turkey with brown rice and steamed broccoli
  • Snack: Cottage cheese with blueberries

Day 6

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with apples, chia seeds, and a drizzle of coconut oil
  • Lunch: Turkey and spinach salad with walnuts and a green tea dressing
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with beetroot and roasted carrots
  • Snack: Dark chocolate and almond mix

Day 7

  • Breakfast: Greek yogurt with bananas, flaxseeds, and a sprinkle of dark chocolate
  • Lunch: Quinoa and kale salad with chicken breast and avocado
  • Dinner: Stir-fried lentils with spinach, garlic, and sweet potatoes
  • Snack: Cottage cheese with strawberries

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⚠️ Keep in mind

As with any dietary change, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before changing your dietary habits.