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Gestational Diabetes? Low Cholesterol Diet Plan for You

In the management of gestational diabetes, one has to be very mindful of what is consumed. A low cholesterol diet could actually help form part of your strategy in the process. It basically dwells on heart-healthy foods that will help keep both cholesterol and blood sugar in line. Such a move will make your pregnancy smooth and leave you feeling more energetic.

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Diet plan grocery list

  • Spinach
  • Salmon
  • Brown rice
  • Skinless chicken breast
  • Avocado
  • Quinoa
  • Turkey breast
  • Broccoli
  • Low-fat Greek yogurt
  • Cauliflower
  • Olive oil

  • Apples
  • Oatmeal
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Almonds
  • Lean beef
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Blueberries
  • Whole grain bread
  • Tofu
  • Carrots
  • Cottage cheese

  • Lentils
  • Oranges
  • Walnuts
  • Edamame
  • Bell peppers
  • Low-fat milk
  • Kale
  • Pears
  • Barley
  • Greek feta cheese
  • Celery

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Article Reviewed
• Written by our editorial team.
• Published on May 13, 2024.
• Updated on August 13, 2024.

Diet plan overview

The Low Cholesterol diet plan for gestational diabetes can be a godsend if managed. It minimizes excess cholesterol and balancing intake of carbohydrates to maintain appropriate blood sugar levels. Emphasized is whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and other foods low in saturated fat and high in fiber, which not only keep the heart healthy but also ensure stable glucose levels.

Meal planning while on this diet means frequent meals in small portions throughout the day, preventing a spike in blood sugar. Lean proteins and plant-based fats are staples to ensure that one's meals aren't just nutrient-dense but also full. Low intake of cholesterol during pregnancy may reduce health risks associated with gestational diabetes and improve overall well-being.

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Foods to eat

  • Oats and Barley: High in soluble fiber to help lower cholesterol and manage blood sugar.
  • Avocados: A good source of healthy fats that can improve heart health without raising blood sugar.
  • Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines for omega-3s that can reduce triglycerides and improve cholesterol.
  • Non-Starchy Vegetables: Broccoli, spinach, and bell peppers for essential vitamins without spiking blood sugar.
  • Beans and Legumes: Lentils, chickpeas, and black beans provide fiber and plant-based protein.
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The best diet is the one you don't know you're on.

Brian Wansink, PhD

Foods not to eat

  • Refined Grains: White bread, white rice, and pasta can quickly raise blood sugar levels.
  • Sugary Foods: Avoid sweets, candies, and sugary drinks to maintain stable blood glucose levels.
  • Saturated and Trans Fats: Limit butter, fried foods, and commercial baked goods that raise cholesterol.
  • Full-Fat Dairy: Opt for low-fat or fat-free dairy to reduce saturated fat intake.
  • Processed Meats: Bacon, sausages, and deli meats can negatively impact both cholesterol and blood sugar.

Main benefits

The low cholesterol diet plan for gestational diabetes is designed to manage the spikes of blood sugar while ensuring protection to cardiovascular health. Centered around healthy fats like avocados and nuts, it will be low in LDL cholesterol, ensuring the baby is well-endowed with what he needs. Then there is the highly valued food with fiber such as oats and legumes, which provide long-lasting energy that avoids the spikes and crashes of gestational diabetes. In addition, it does not have any processed sugar but offers, instead, the natural sweet virtues of berries and apples.

Low Cholesterol diet plan for gestational diabetes graph

📊 Recommended food breakdown (Source)

How to budget on this diet plan

In this low cholesterol diet for gestational diabetes, include some whole foods that are affordable and can be stretched over several meals, such as oats, beans, and brown rice. Try the seasonal vegetables and fruits, as they are normally cheap and high in fiber. Sources of lean protein like chicken and eggs can also easily go into your bill without breaking it. Meal prep a few simple dishes ahead to help avoid restaurant-priced takeout when cravings come. Last, forgo the fancier snacks—just a handful of nuts or hummus and carrot sticks will do.

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7-Day Meal Plan for Low Cholesterol Diet Plan for Gestational Diabetes

Day 1

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with blueberries, walnuts, and low-fat milk
  • Lunch: Grilled turkey breast with quinoa, steamed broccoli, and kale salad with olive oil
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with spinach and roasted sweet potatoes
  • Snack: Apple slices with low-fat Greek yogurt

Day 2

  • Breakfast: Low-fat Greek yogurt with pear slices, almonds, and a drizzle of honey
  • Lunch: Tofu and avocado wrap in whole grain bread, with a side of carrot sticks
  • Dinner: Lean beef stir-fry with bell peppers, cauliflower, and brown rice
  • Snack: Edamame with a sprinkle of sea salt

Day 3

  • Breakfast: Cottage cheese with blueberries, almonds, and pear slices
  • Lunch: Quinoa salad with kale, Brussels sprouts, feta cheese, and olive oil dressing
  • Dinner: Grilled chicken breast with roasted Brussels sprouts and barley pilaf
  • Snack: Orange slices with a handful of walnuts

Day 4

  • Breakfast: Spinach and feta omelette with whole grain toast
  • Lunch: Lentil soup with celery and carrots, served with a side of whole grain bread
  • Dinner: Baked turkey breast with roasted sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli
  • Snack: Apple slices with cottage cheese

Day 5

  • Breakfast: Avocado toast on whole grain bread with a poached egg
  • Lunch: Grilled salmon salad with spinach, bell peppers, and a drizzle of olive oil
  • Dinner: Stir-fried tofu with edamame, kale, and quinoa
  • Snack: Pear slices with low-fat Greek yogurt

Day 6

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with blueberries, almonds, and low-fat milk
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with roasted Brussels sprouts and brown rice
  • Dinner: Turkey breast stir-fry with bell peppers, cauliflower, and barley
  • Snack: Orange slices with a handful of walnuts

Day 7

  • Breakfast: Low-fat Greek yogurt with blueberries, walnuts, and honey
  • Lunch: Spinach and avocado salad with grilled lean beef and olive oil dressing
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with roasted sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli
  • Snack: Edamame with a sprinkle of sea salt

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⚠️ Keep in mind

As with any dietary change, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before changing your dietary habits.