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Paleo Diet Food List (+ Shopping List and PDF)

June 22, 2023

The paleo diet is based on the nutrient-rich foods consumed by your ancestors. By prioritizing whole foods like grass fed meat, dark leafy greens, and fresh berries, and rejecting processed food entirely, you can improve your overall health without sacrificing taste or quality. In this article, we’ll break down the main aspects of the paleo lifestyle, and provide you with a convenient shopping list (+ PDF) so that you can make the transition with ease.

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Paleo Diet Food List

Lean Meat, Fish

Healthy Oil





Nuts and Seeds

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The Basics of the Paleo Diet

Foods to eat on a Paleo Diet

The idea here is simple. You are supposed to consume the types of foods believed to have been eaten by our prehistoric ancestors, so the products that are far less processed than foods that people tend to eat nowadays. To get started with this way of eating, here are some key things to keep in mind:


  • Choose whole foods over processed ones: Concentrate your meals around consuming whole foods as much as possible, and steer clear of processed foods that may contain added sugars salt or unhealthy fats. 


  • Eat plenty of different fruits and vegetables: Fill up your shopping list with colorful produce, since fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins minerals like fiber and antioxidants that help maintain optimal health. 


  • Eliminate grains, legumes, and dairy: Grains such as wheat, rice, oats & legumes like beans, lentils & peanuts rank high on the severe GI index, causing digestive distress amongst people who consume them regularly. Also, you should avoid dairy products, since human beings were not genetically adapted beyond infancy towards ingesting milk. 

⚠️ Keep in Mind

As with any dietary change, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before going on a paleo diet.

Food List Breakdown


Eggs are a fantastic addition to a paleo diet food list since they’re incredibly versatile while being an excellent source of high quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. When shopping for eggs – look for free-range or pasture raised ones if you really want to get the most out of the diet, nutritionally speaking. Boiled, scrambled or baked into paleo friendly recipes – eggs add nourishing flavor no matter how you use them. 

Lean Meat, Fish

These paleo-friendly foods boast vital amino acids alongside essential vitamins and minerals that support muscle growth, tissue repair as well as general wellness. Always go for grass fed when you can, since they’re packed with even more nutritional value. Incorporating a variety of cuts/types of meat/fish can also help spice up your diet while diversifying your nutrition. 

Olive oil nutrients

Healthy Oil

Oils like olive oil or coconut oil provide beneficial monounsaturated fats, which promote heart health and brain function while supporting overall wellness. Whether it’s cooking or salad dressings – these oils add both flavor and nutritional benefits to your meals when used in moderation. 

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Water is obviously a safe choice on a paleo diet. If you’re looking for something to sip that’s a bit more fancy, herbal teas without any extra sweeteners are also permissible. Just steer clear of sugary beverages like soft drinks and fruit juices, because they tend to cause inflammation and disrupt blood sugar levels.

Walnuts nutrients

Nuts and Seeds

Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds – these paleo essentials pack in plenty of healthy goodness like healthy fats, protein, fiber and all sorts of vitamins & minerals. Whether you sprinkle them on top of muesli for paleo breakfast or use them as a snack in their own right, these little powerhouses are a fantastic way to upgrade your paleo game. 

📘 Scientific Evidence

The adoption of a Paleo diet can provide benefits for individuals leading unsustainable lifestyles, particularly in improving cardiovascular and metabolic health.

American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine


The cornerstone of probably any healthy diet, including paleo. Leafy greens, broccoli & cauliflower along with colorful bell peppers – these vegetables offer the kind of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants that your body needs to function properly. Enjoy your roasted vegetables as a side dish or pile up a salad with all your favorite greens – whatever you like. 


Similarly to vegetables, fruits (e.g. bananas and apples) contain essential nutrients: vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants that support overall health and wellbeing. Whether you prefer fruity snacks or crave something more substantial like crisp apples or ripe melons – as a paleo eater, you can enjoy all kinds of seasonal fruits. Just keep an eye on portion sizes if weight management is one of your goals, as fruits tend to be relatively high in sugar. 

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What else to Keep in Mind?

Cheaper Alternatives

Maintaining a paleo diet doesn't have to strain your wallet. Consider the following cost-effective alternatives to stay on track without breaking the bank.

Opt for budget-friendly protein sources such as canned tuna, frozen chicken breasts, or eggs. These options provide essential nutrients without a huge price tag. Additionally, purchasing larger quantities of these items in bulk can yield significant savings over time.

When it comes to produce, prioritize in-season fruits and vegetables from local markets. Not only are they often more affordable, but they also tend to be fresher and more flavorful. Furthermore, embrace creativity by incorporating versatile and cost-effective staples like sweet potatoes, carrots, and frozen vegetables.

Buying non-perishable paleo staples in bulk can also save you money. Stock up on nuts, seeds, coconut oil, and other pantry essentials that have a long shelf life.

You can also consider cooking at home to further lower the costs. Besides, by cooking from scratch, you have greater control over the quality of ingredients and portion sizes. Embrace meal planning, utilize leftovers, and experiment with simple, budget-friendly recipes.

Foods to Avoid on a Paleo Diet

All grains, including wheat, barley, oats, rice, and corn, are not allowed on the paleo diet due to their high carbohydrate content and potential inflammatory properties.

Legumes like beans, lentils, soybeans, peanuts, and chickpeas are avoided on the paleo diet due to their high carbohydrate content, anti-nutrients, and potential digestive issues.

Dairy Products
Dairy is generally excluded from the paleo diet due to its lactose and casein content. This includes milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter made from cow's, sheep's, or goat's milk.

Processed Foods
Processed foods containing artificial additives, preservatives, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats should be avoided on the paleo diet. This includes packaged snacks, fast food, sugary beverages, and most pre-packaged meals.

Refined Oils
Highly refined oils like soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, and vegetable oil are not part of the paleo diet. Instead, focus on natural, unrefined oils like coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado oil.

Added Sugars
Added sugars, including white sugar, brown sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners, are not allowed on the paleo diet. Sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, and coconut sugar should be used sparingly, if at all.

Processed Meats
Processed meats such as sausages, hot dogs, bacon, and deli meats often contain additives, preservatives, and unhealthy fats. These should be avoided or minimized on the paleo diet.

Vegetarian Alternatives

Don't feel limited by animal proteins if you're exploring the paleo diet - there are plenty of vegetarian options out there. To make the most of a plant based lifestyle, consider the following tips.

The paleo diet revolves around meat but you can easily substitute meat for plant based protein sources like legumes (think: beans, lentils or chickpeas) tofu, tempeh and edamame. They bring along not just protein but fiber and essential nutrients.

Healthy fats can come from plants - avocados, olive oil, and coconut oil or nuts will add in beneficial monounsaturated fats while boosting flavor too.

Non-dairy alternatives such as almond milk or soy milk instead of traditional dairy products. Just be sure they're unsweetened so you don't sneak in any added sugars.

Whole Food Snacks: Opt for whole food snacks like raw vegetables with hummus, fruit with nut butter, or homemade energy balls made with dates and nuts.


Now that you know what to expect on a paleo diet, consider giving it a try. Go back to your ancestral dietary roots whilst reaping potential benefits for yourself. Use our paleo diet shopping list to get started faster. Just remember to consult your new lifestyle with a healthcare professional or registered dietician to ensure any significant dietary changes align with your personal goals and needs. If you want to make the whole process even easier - open our diet shopping list in the free Listonic app that will help you make your dietary preparations so much faster and easier.

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Our editorial team has checked this article to make sure it was accurate at the time of publishing it.

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